Friday, March 21, 2014

Gate 2014 Online Examination A Great Experience to Attempt

gate exam 2014 stechnotrick

After completing B.Tech, you might be thinking of appearing in GATE examination for you post graduation. Most of yours have already appeared in GATE exam of 2014 which has conducted by IIT Kharagpur.

As you know, GATE is one of the prestigious exam in India for pursuing post graduation. You might have your good and bitter experience of facing this exam, Ive mine. Let me share my experience  which can help for whose preparing for this examination.

I have done my B.Tech in Electronics and Communication and this was my second attempt for GATE. Well, from this year GATE exam has been conducted in online mode. In spite of the fact that the IITians cannot let us down with the level of difficulty for the exam, i was little bit confused for the examination pattern. I am trying to go through exam paper, analyzing each part, which might help you to keep right direction preparing this exam.

As i have told you, this was an online mode of examination, So exam appeared a bit of difficult. Although the examination pattern was similar in accordance to number of questions, time duration of exam and the total marks obtaining. The aspect on what basis IIT professors holding their position as a  genius is the bit change in question pattern and their marking of exam.

The examination consisted of two sections: Aptitude English section and Subject choose by the candidate. The examination questions are of type: Multiple choice questions and Numerical type questions. A twist was kept at the numerical type questions, As there was no multiple choices available and there was negative marking. So only the candidate who could solve the numericals with precision, could attempt these questions.

I was appeared in Electonics and Communication(EC) paper, So i am sharing my experience regarding to
subjects and type of question. Mostly they covered questions from digital communication, digital electronics,
analog electronics, control system, electromagnetic theory, EDC and general mathematics.

The questions from control system, digital electronics and analog electronics were comparatively easier. The section what would be the deciding factor of the overall, probably be the questions from digital communication and from the EDC. Questions from mathematics are of avaerage level. I will share you overall weightage of  questions in my next post, so keep visiting this blog.

For any query, feel free to comment.

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