Friday, February 28, 2014

How to Add a Pin It Button to Your Blog!

Finally... a week where Im not battling the clock in an attempt to post the Technology Tuesday tutorial before midnight! I really didnt have much of a choice, though, since today is my wedding anniversary (one year married, nine years together!) and I dont think my husband would have appreciated me rushing out of our dinner reservations to come home and write up this post!  I do love my blog, but I love my hubby more! :)

This week, the bloggers united to vote for how to add a pin it button to your blog!

I initially found this tutorial at Mayura4Ever, which has some amazing tutorials for bloggers.  I kept the same steps, I just added pictures to make it nice and easy to follow!

Im going to start uploading the tutorials to TPT since a lot of people have asked how they could download them.  Click the link below to download this tutorial as a PDF!

I have to say, I was really surprised by this one coming up first in the poll... I have been so hesitant about putting up poll options that are specific to bloggers because I didnt think many people would vote for them.  Boy was I wrong!  Ill be sure to add more blogger tutorials to the poll in the future!

 Now... here goes the tutorial!

<b:if cond=data:blog.pageType == "item">
<a href=javascript:void((function()%7Bvar%20e=document.createElement(&apos;script&apos;);e.setAttribute(&apos;type&apos;,&apos;text/javascript&apos;);e.setAttribute(&apos;charset&apos;,&apos;UTF-8&apos;);e.setAttribute(&apos;src&apos;,&apos;;+Math.random()*99999999);document.body.appendChild(e)%7D)());><img src=></a>

You can download this tutorial as a PDF by clicking this picture!
Note: This tutorial is hosted on Google Docs.  To save it from there, just open the file and click File > Download to save onto your computer!

As for next week, a special request came through via facebook, and Im thinking its something that a lot of people ill benefit from, so Im going to add it to the poll right to change colored clipart to black and white!  And... Im going to combine it with how to change a whole PDF to black and white!

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How to Make Any Picture Talk!

Hey everyone!  Ive been back from my Alaskan vacation for two days already... yet Im still having a hard time coming out of "vacation" mode to write this post!  Thank goodness an easy option came up as the winner as the poll: how to make any picture talk!

Here is the poll... with this choice winning a whopping 56% of votes!

In order to do this tutorial, youll need to visit the following website.  Itll probably take you more time to read the tutorial then to actually make one!

You can download this tutorial as a PDF by clicking this picture!
Note: This tutorial is hosted on Google Drive.  To save it from there, just open the file and click File > Download to save onto your computer!
Before I let you know what next weeks tutorial will be, I have to throw in some of my favorite pictures from Alaska!!!
This was a picture from while we were cruising.  Its really hard to see... but there are snow covered mountains in the back!

In Ketchikan, we went on a nature walk and saw 2 bear cubs in their natural habitat!  This one had caught some food!

This Zip Rider was 5,495 feet long and had a 1,320 foot vertical drop... taller than the Empire State Building.  And yes... I rode it!!!

In Juneau, we went on a float trip at the Mendenhall Glacier.  It was gorgeous!

This was my favorite!!!  In Skagway, we went "Dog Sledding."  The dogs actually pulled a 750 pound cart with SEVEN people on it!!!

The Hubbard Glacier was just STUNNING!

 And of course, heres a picture of my hubby and me on our anniversary!  We just loved Alaska!  Isnt is gorgeous there!?
Now, for next weeks tutorial, Ill be adding how to print any document at a smaller size... something I use ALL of the time!
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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Editable Spelling Practice Book!

Yikes!  This cold has taken its toll on me this week... I even missed my Wednesday linky party!  I thought I had scheduled the post but I managed to leave it as a draft so it didnt post!

Anyway, a few months ago I made this cute spelling practice book for my class, and it has made a world of difference for my students.  One of my parents even said, "Thank you for sending the book home.  He never wanted to practice his spelling words since they werent printed on a sheet that said homework and now he has no excuse!"  My kids love bringing in their book each Friday, and I love how well theyre doing on their tests.

I still do lesson plans in class for spelling, but this book has made a major difference in getting them to practice at home!

This editable book allows you to input your own list of 5 or 10 spelling words. It has special instructions to encourage your students to practice writing their words at home every single night! Just type in the date of the spelling test and change the words on the book. Copy the book two sided and fold it in half like a book. The book itself is only one page from and back!

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What a Wonderful Word Wall!

I have been putting off updating my word wall for so long, but Ive finally done it!  Ive spent nearly two full days on these fabulous word wall sets and I am so excited for them!

First things first, lets start with a fun freebie!  These alphabet picture cards have super cute pictures on them, and the vowels are a different color border than the consonants!  So fun! 

Now... before we move onto the word wall sets, let me back track to one of my first posts... spelling success!  Each time I introduce a new word to the class, we put the word on the word wall and one lucky student gets to wear a crown that has the same word/picture on it.  I attach the word to the crown via velcro for easy storage.

Anyway... each of my word wall sets have two copies of the word... one that is the perfect size for your word wall, and one that is the perfect size for a word crown!  Each of the sets is $4, and theyre available at TPT by clicking the pictures below!

It was a lot of work but I absolutely love how they came out... particularly the borders for the preview page!!!

Im linking the alphabet freebie signs up with manic monday!
Classroom Freebies Manic Monday
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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

How to Print on Sentence Strips

Here it is... the long awaited post... How to print on sentence strips!  I have to say, ever since I figured out how to do this, I have not written on a sentence strip since!

Now I will forewarn you... this will be as easy or as difficult as you make it!  If you use the template as is (with the Comic Sans font), it will be relatively easy.  If you want to change the font, it will be a bit more difficult. 

The poll was a landslide again... and a record 75 votes!  Thanks everyone!

Now, without further delay, lets get started!  First things first, click the picture below to download the template!

Note: This preview is hosted on Google Docs.  Be sure to open the file and click File > Download to save onto your computer before starting the tutorial!

Now... what if you have a favorite font that you want to use?  Lets talk about how to change the font.  Remember, this tutorial is as easy or as complicated as you want to make it... this is the time it gets a bit more complicated.  But remember... if you change the font and all of its properties below once, you can save it to use forever!

Thanks for stopping by again this week!  Let me know how it goes when you try it!

You can download this tutorial as a PDF by clicking this picture!
Note: This tutorial is hosted on Google Docs.  To save it from there, just open the file and click File > Download to save onto your computer!
Since you have to cut the sentence strip in half to print on it, I always store them in laminated envelopes.  For the poll for next week, I think Ill add how to laminate envelopes!  Be sure to vote!

Im also linking this template up with manic monday!
Classroom Freebies Manic Monday
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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

How To Laminate an Envelope!

Are you addicted to laminating?  (Arent we all!?)  Have you ever wondered "How could I laminate an envelope?"  If so, this is the post for you!  The Technology Tuesday winner this week was "How to Laminate an Envelope!"


This poll was pretty exciting... it had a record 147 votes, and almost half of those votes (46%) were for how to laminate an envelope!  Thank you to everyone who stopped by and voted, I really appreciated it!  And that you also for your comments on my previous post, How to Print On Sentence Strips.  I really enjoy all of your sweet comments!

I have to say, I made a silly mistake today!  When I laminated the envelope, I took a picture of it going into the laminator for the tutorial.  But of course, I must have forgotten to save the picture because its nowhere on my phone!  Even being a "techie," I still make stupid mistakes occasionally!

Without further delay, here it is!

You can download this tutorial as a PDF by clicking this picture!
Note: This tutorial is hosted on Google Docs.  To save it from there, just open the file and click File > Download to save onto your computer!

I hope you can find some use for these laminated envelopes!  I cut up all of my sentence strips into individual words and store them in envelopes.  On the envelope, I print the title of whatever poem/game is inside (e.g.: Who Stole the Cookies from the Cookie Jar?), along with a picture of the game.  So of course... printing on envelopes is what Ill be adding to the poll for next week!

If you liked this tutorial (or any of my other tutorials), Id really appreciate it if you could head over to the 2012 Fascination Awards and vote for me for Technology Teacher!  Heres how to do it:
  • Just go to the website by clicking the link above
  • My blog is second in the list... just click the +1 button to G+1 me!

Its that easy... and Id really appreciate it!
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